Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Cullens Bit Him

Woot woot ! I'm a complete stranger to Photoshop. Fortunately, with a few tips from my friends. I've managed to do an oh-so-fine photo. Hope ya like it. Today, I'll be showing you how I imposed an image onto another photo using Photoshop. And here are the steps.  

First of all, I open a picture of Domo ( do google to learn more

Next, using the Magic Wand Tool. I selected the area which I'd be presumably be using. 

Afterwards, by clicking on Select Inverse. I've cropped out the white area of the photo to only select the brown area of which is Domo. 

BAAMM  There is the beast, but is it done yet ? NOooooo...... 

Note: To do this, I copy pasted the subject onto the photo.

Of course, right now the subject seems to be too big. Hence, I selected Free Transform to resize it. 

Now, it is ready for the next step. To create the effect as if the subject is emerging from the fogs, I'd need to control its opacity ( for this piece, I lowered it down to 66% for the most best effect

But, only lowering the opacity won't give me the effect I wanted. Thus, I change it to Overlay to blend with the photo.

Still not satisfied with the outcome. I use the Eraser to erase it's legs and a few areas on its arm. Now, it looks like its ready to be shown to the whole world, but waittt....

Aha, cakes needs cherries and so does Domo! Hence, I open a new layer 
( named; eyes ) and used the Brush Tool to add red cherry colored eyes and....

Viola !!
 A fine masterpiece has been created from the powers of the Almighty Photoshop ! Thanks 


  1. nice one haha! neway you can improve your smoke there so that it looks like a little more dusty xD

  2. nice indeed. Aha, Thanks for your feedback Muhd, do follow me blog k :)

  3. apsal hebat sgt nih ?
    lawa gle doh~ =D

  4. wow nice..
    love it...
    npk real seyh...

  5. ziyra ada blog ke >.< lol trimas ni cuma try pertama so cam tak bpa je. thanks again beb :)

  6. pul, haaa thanks for lovin it ;)
